Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A few weeks off

Sorry about the delay in posting anything new.

I am in the middle of a major move to Washington D.C. this week. Once I get settled, I will resume writing. Here's a few quick thoughts, though.

For now, I am hearing that Obama will announce his running mate soon. How's this for new style campaigning. If you have signed on to www.barackobama.com or have added him as a friend on a social networking site, you can get an alert the second the decision is made.

Here's hoping that Russia and Georgia settle their differences before this war expands to a wider conflict.

You know your presidential campaign is in trouble when you get pwned by Paris Hilton.

"I'll see you at the debate, bitches."

Finally, buy energy saver light bulbs and tire gauges.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! When you get back to regular blogging, I'll be here everyday again. Good luck with your move.